Paddle steamer ‘Érsekcsanád’

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View of the tugboat in front of the cathedral

This steam tugboat saw its completion in 1922/23 at the shipyard Ruthof in Regensburg. Originally named Ruthof, it was renamed Érsekcsanád after World War II. Today it is part of the Danube Navigation Museum Regensburg.

Danube Navigation Museum Regensburg

The Danube Navigation Museum Regensburg (Donau-Schiffahrts-Museum Regensburg) consists of three ships anchoring not far away from the famous stone bridge of Regensburg. In addition, you’ll find several pieces related to barge traffic along the shores of the Danube.

The three ships in detail

  • Raddampfer RUTHOF / ÉRSEKCSANÁD (a steam tugboat)
  • Motorshiff FREUDENAU (a motor tugboat)
  • Lastkahn HELGA (a barge)


I spent an hour walking through the Érsekcsanád. I learned it saw its completion on the Christof Ruthof shipyard in 1923. It worked for the Bayerischer Lloyd on the Danube. In 1944 it got lost by a British mine.

The Hungarian shipping company MAHART salvaged the wreck and named it Érsekcsanád. After doing its duty on the Danube again, the ship finally found its way to the Danube Navigation Museum in Regensburg.

By the way, the big church in the photo is the Regensburg Cathedral (Regensburger Dom). The cathedral, the old town of Regensburg and the district of the Stadtamhof form a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2006.

Sources / More info

First published: Aug 14, 2006 / Last update: May 14, 2023