Klopstock House in Quedlinburg

Klopstock House in Quedlinburg, Germany

German writer Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock was born in this building on July 2nd, 1724. Today it houses a museum about his works, e.g. about his epic poem ‘The Messiah’ (Der Messias).

Besides that the museum tells about other famous personages who used to live in Quedlinburg like Dorothea Erxleben, Johann GutsMuths and Carl Ritter.


Moravian Star in Quedlinburg

Moravian star in Quedlinburg, Germany

On my walk through Quedlinburg, I came across this Moravian Star. Generally, it is an Advent decoration popular in Germany and other places where there are Moravian congregations. The German name Herrnhuter Stern refers to the city of Herrnhut. There the stars were first commercially produced.
