Colonia Iulia Iader (Zadar)

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Roman forum of Iadar in Zadar

During the Roman period, Zadar’s name was Iader or Colonia Iulia Iader. Near the coast, you will find the remnants of the Roman Forum. Additionally, two museums provide you with remarkable ancient Roman stuff. [German]

Archaeological Museum of Zadar

The Archaeological Museum of Zadar stands next to the remains of the Roman Forum and the early Medieval church of St Donat. It displays artefacts from the Palaeolithic to the end of the 11th century.

  • Link Youtube video about the museum
  • Link Official website of the museum

Museum of Ancient Glas

The Museum of Ancient Glas shows objects dating back to the period from the 1st century BC to the 5th century AD. An associated glass-making workshop offers replicas of ancient pieces.

  • Link Youtube video about the museum
  • Link Official website of the museum

Sources / More info

  • Link Description of Iader on Wikipedia
  • Link Official website of Zadar