Georg Trakl in Salzburg

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Plaque with a poem by Georg Trakl

A famous son of Salzburg is not only Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart but also the poet Georg Trakl. The Salzburg-born author lived the first 21 years of his life in this city. You see boards with his poems scattered all over the central town.

Georg Trakl in Salzburg

The locations of these plaques are related to his life. For example, one poem (photo) is mentioned next to a pharmacy in the Linzerstrasse. There he used to work as a young man.

The website of the Salzburg Cultural Association shows all locations of his poems. This association also runs the Georg Trakl Research and Memorial Center in Salzburg. You find this museum in the birthplace of the writer.

Sources / More info

  • Link Private website about his life and works [ENG]
  • Link Biography of Georg Trakl on Wikipedia [ENG]
Categorized as Plaques