The charm of understanding nothing

Door at Keleti Pu in Budapest

I speak German and English. I understand a bit Romance and Slavonic languages. I don’t understand Hungarian. Not a single word. But I loved to listen to the loudspeakers at the railway station Keleti Pu in Budapest. Listening to a completely foreign language is like listening to music, isn’t it?


Railway station Keleti Pu in Budapest

Railway station Keleti Pu in Budapest; Hungary

The destination on my 2nd day of my InterRail journey was the railway station Keleti pályaudvar (‘Keleti Pu’) in Budapest. In was built in the years 1881 – 1884.


The crow at the railway station

The crow at the railway station

While walking through the railway station Keleti pályaudva ‘Keleti Pu’ I came across this chandalier. It was not the only one which was decorated with a crow. I guess, it is a method to scare the pigeons off. What do you think?


Railway station Semmering

Railway station Semmering, Austria

On my train trips to Vienna I often pass the railway station Semmering. Generally I see the station just from my train window. On a hiking tour I got this different view. Looks misty, doesn’t it? By the way the blue-white rail car in the background is a diesel rail car ÖBB 5144.
